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Parents in Boston work from home on April 14 during a stay-at-home coronavirus advisory, while their son, age 5, entertains himself. (Craig F. Walker/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

Telework Education Jobs

Telework Education Jobs

The option to work remotely - working by phone - could prove to be a financial lifeline for many workers during the Covid-19 recession, which has shut down much of the US economy and caused about 30 million American workers to file for unemployment insurance. From mid-March 2020.

Remote Work Is Bad For Productivity — And For Your Career

In the early stages of the economic downturn of the epidemic, 90% of the job losses - or 2.6 million of the total losses of 2.9 million between February and March - arose from positions that could not work, according to a new analysis by the Church Research Center. Federal Information.

While many workers can't wait tables or cut hair, others, especially college-educated ones, can go online and continue teaching, delivering sermons or trading stocks.

This pattern of job losses may change due to the deep economic crisis, and spread across a large number of economies. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the number of employed workers will fall by nearly 27 million in the coming months, about nine times the loss from February to March. At the same time, there are signs that the jobs of many white-collar workers are at increased risk. It is likely that the ability to work remotely will offer less protection as COVID-19 retreats closer to its core.

The Covid-19 pandemic has made social distancing a necessity, which has led to the closure of workplaces and the displacement of many workers to work from home. This analysis focuses on employment in telecommuting and non-telecommuting occupations, by workforce demographics, and how employment in those occupations changed in the months preceding the shutdown of US business activity.

The Future Of Remote Work: An Analysis Of 2,000 Tasks, 800 Jobs, And 9 Countries

In this analysis, the grouping of jobs by whether they can be used on the phone is based on a classification recently developed by researchers at the University of Chicago, with minor modifications. Employment estimates in this analysis are derived from the Current Population Survey (CPS), the government's official source for monthly unemployment estimates. The employment code at CPS does not exactly correspond to the code used in the University of Chicago education, resulting in some adjustments. For some other occupations, the Chicago researchers' classification did not reflect the actual results of the labor market last week. For example, researchers have grouped athletes, sports competitors, coaches and scouts among the jobs that can be used on the phone, but these are some of the first jobs to close. Our analysis places such jobs into the non-telecommutable job category. Estimates in this analysis are seasonally adjusted.

The COVID-19 outbreak has affected the US government's data collection efforts in its surveys, particularly limiting manual data collection. This caused the CPS response rate to drop by about 10 percent in March 2020, compared to the previous month. It is possible that some measures of employment and population composition are affected by these changes in data collection.

In February, before the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak really took hold, 40% of the American workforce, or 63 million people, were employed in jobs that could be performed remotely, such as computer programmers, economists and human resources managers. job

Telework Education Jobs

Telecommuting accounts for 60% of US employment, or 95 million people. This includes jobs such as dentists, carpenters, mechanics and other jobs that usually involve interacting with people, working outdoors or operating machines or equipment, according to a classification system recently developed by researchers at the University of Chicago and adapted for this analysis by Pew Research. . Center.

Work From Home Access Is Skewed Across U.s. Race, Education Gap

The level of education of workers is an important determinant of whether they hold a job that can be teleworked. In February, 62% of employees with a bachelor's degree or more education had a job that could be done remotely. That's nearly twice as many workers with a college degree (33%), including a bachelor's degree, and nearly three times the proportion of high school graduates who didn't go to university (22%). A small number of workers who did not complete high school (9%) had the option of telecommuting.

Women are more likely than men to telecommute, 46% versus 35%. In part, this is because employed women have higher levels of education - 42% had at least a bachelor's degree in February, compared to 37% of employed men. But because women are strong in careers that can be done remotely. For example, 23% of employed women have jobs in education and administrative support, compared to only 7% of employed men.

Among racial and ethnic groups, 48% of Asian workers and 44% of white workers could telework, compared with 34% of black workers and 26% of Hispanic workers. Differences in education levels are another factor. In February, about two-thirds (66%) of Asian workers had a bachelor's degree or higher, compared with 44% of white workers, 33% of black workers and 21% of Hispanic workers.

However, Hispanic workers at all levels of education are less likely than US workers overall. In February, 55% of Hispanic workers with a college degree could work by phone, compared to 62% of all college graduates. Differences in employment also contribute to the telecommuting gap. In February, 18% of Hispanic workers worked in construction or manufacturing, compared to 10% of the overall workforce. In contrast, only 24% of Hispanic workers have management, career and related jobs, compared to 42% of all US workers.

No Sign Of Widespread 'zoom Fatigue' As Telework Continues For Many

Among the nation's workforce as a whole, immigrants lag behind the US-born in their ability to work on the phone. While 31% of foreign-born workers were able to work remotely in February, 42% of US-born workers were able to work remotely as well. This gap is largely driven by the large number of Hispanic immigrant workers, who account for 46% of all foreign workers. Of the 12.2 million Hispanic migrant workers in February, only 18% were employed.Telephone jobs only, compared to 31% of all migrant workers. In an economic climate fueled by the coronavirus, education plays an important role in diminishing the job prospects of Hispanic immigrants. Only 18% of Hispanic immigrant workers have a bachelor's degree or more.

Although the ability to work remotely does not guarantee continuous employment, it has become a real option for many workers in the Internet age. About 73% of American adults reported having broadband access at home in 2019, and 25% of workers worked from home at least once in 2017-18. The share of people working from home may increase as workplaces adapt to the post-COVID-19 environment.

There is evidence that telecommuting is more common than before the COVID-19 outbreak. In a Pew Research Center survey conducted at the end of March 2020, 40% of adults aged 18 to 64 reported that they were working from home due to the coronavirus outbreak. This is equal to the share of American employees who, in this analysis, are expected to hold on-call jobs. The potential of the labor market to compensate for job losses by switching to telecommuting can be extended to capacity. And some people - especially blacks, Hispanics and low-income workers - the ability to work on the phone can be affected by home broadband access.

Telework Education Jobs

As noted, job losses in the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic were concentrated among workers who could not telecommute. From February to March, US employment fell by 2.9 million, a loss of 1.8%. This was driven almost entirely by a 2.6 million (-2.7%) job decline in non-telecommuting jobs. Employment in telecommunications jobs was essentially unchanged, down 300,000 (-0.5%).

Mothers Bear The Cost Of The Pandemic Shift To Remote Work

The safety net offered by telecommuting jobs for most workers. For example, among women, employment decreased by 3.6% in occupations that cannot telecommute, compared to a 0.4% decline in occupations that can telecommute. Men have a similar experience, except for the loss of work that cannot be used by the phone (-2.0%) less than women.

But employment results differ, especially according to race and ethnicity. black workers who can telework saw their jobs drop significantly (-4.3%) more than black workers who can't telework (-1.4%). The reason for this is unclear. A contributing factor may be a large loss for black workers in sales and related occupations, health and technical jobs partially offset by gains in architecture and engineering, as well as construction and mining.

Hispanic workers who are not likely to telecommute saw a decline in employment (-5.0%) from February to March. This was followed by foreign-born Hispanic workers, with employment falling 7.5% in this occupation, compared to a 2.4% loss among US-born Hispanic workers. Meanwhile, the employment of all Hispanic workers in jobs that can work by phone

3.7% This represents the experience of US-born Hispanic workers, who

How Will Teleworking Change Urban Mobility And Residential Decisions?

Refueling Nuclear Aircraft Carrier - This article requires additional citations for validation. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find Resources: "A1B Reactor" - News · Newspapers · Books · Scholarship · JSTOR (December 2018) (Learn how and where to remove this message template)

In 2013, the Aircraft Carrier Readiness Unit (PCU) Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) moved to Pier 3 at Newport News Shipbuilding for 28 months of outfitting and testing.

Refueling Nuclear Aircraft Carrier

Refueling Nuclear Aircraft Carrier

The A1B reactor is an aircraft carrier nuclear reactor developed by the United States Navy. It is used on the Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers to provide electrical and propulsion power. The A1B was the first naval reactor built by the Bechtel Corporation, which "provided engineering and/or construction services for more than 80 percent of [land-based] nuclear power plants in the United States."

Photo Release Northrop Grumman Redelivers Uss Dwight D. Eisenhower (cvn 69) After Successful Refueling And Complex Overhaul

The aircraft carrier's nuclear reactors provide the ship with electrical and propulsion power by splitting enriched uranium to produce heat and turn water into steam in steam turbines. This process is almost the same as land-based nuclear power plants, the most significant difference being the direct use of turboshaft power to turn the ship's propellers. Over decades of development, many other design differences emerged between naval reactors and the typically larger power plant reactors.

As Navy planners developed requirements for the Gerald R. Ford class, they concluded that the A4W reactors that provided propulsion and power for the predecessor Nimitz-class aircraft carriers offered too little power for the ship's current and anticipated future needs,

The new reactor was named A1B, following the Navy's reactor designation scheme of type, generation, and manufacturer: A for aircraft carrier, 1 for the manufacturer's first reactor design, and B for Bechtel.

The improved overall plant efficiency is expected to enable better performance of both the propulsion and electrical systems. Using A4W data

Us Carrier John C. Stennis Starting 4 Year Nuclear Refueling Overhaul

With a 25% increase in thermal output, the A1B reactors would likely produce enough steam to provide 125 megawatts (168,000 hp) of electricity, plus 350,000 horsepower (260 MW) from a single reactor alone to drive four propeller shafts.

The increased electric propulsion capacity will allow the ship's steam to be eliminated, reducing the need for maintenance personnel.

Also, the use of electric aircraft catapults (EMALS) will free the ship's air wing from the steam limitations of the reactor plant, unlike the steam catapults used to launch aircraft on Nimitz-class carriers, which rely on steam supplied by the nuclear reactor.

Refueling Nuclear Aircraft Carrier

The A1B reactor uses modernized technology that is both more advanced and more adaptable than previous reactor technology, is smaller and lower than the A4W, and has operator interfaces that are also expected to be improved. The future of some Navy and Marine Corps programs remains in doubt as a temporary funding bill takes effect Monday. More than a week ago, Congress approved a six-month spending package that will give the House and Senate until March 2013 to decide how to meet the nation's financial obligations, including funding for the Department of Defense (DoD).

Uss Enterprise (cvn 65)

So-called Continuing Resolutions (CRs) allow the government to remain open and operational, but they also prevent the Department of Defense from starting any new programs and require funding levels for existing programs to remain the same. For the Defense Department overall, continued funding means a half-percent increase across the board, but the bill's limitations hit the Navy and Marine Corps particularly hard. Shipbuilding programs could grind to a halt and could delay multi-year purchases of fighter jets and vertical-lift aircraft, adding to costs and affecting readiness.

The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) departed Naval Station Norfolk and began a towing operation at Northrop Grumman Newport Shipyard for a 2009 Refueling Complex (RCOH) overhaul. Navy photo.

But two of the Navy's biggest problems with CR are funding two mid-life carrier maintenance projects called RCOHs, or Refueling and Complex Overhaul. NOW

(CVN 71) was scheduled to complete its three-year, $2.5 billion refit in June 2013, but CR funded only half of the projected cost. NOW

Navy Allowing Many Uss George Washington Sailors To Move Off Ship After Deaths And Suicides

(CVN 72) is scheduled to begin discontinuing next year, but new programs are expressly prohibited under the CR.

But even as the Senate works through House-passed CR language, Defense Department Comptroller Robert Hale is raking in funding from elsewhere in the Department to pay for these two purported programs. In a $219.1 million reprogramming action sent to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Hale asked Congress for approval to shift excess funds from seven staff accounts to three "higher priority items." Approval by the House and Senate Defense Committees gives the Navy the authority - and funding - to complete RCOH on TR and begin procurement of flagship items for

Will receive an additional $68 million to top up funds that would otherwise expire by the February deadline.

Refueling Nuclear Aircraft Carrier

Has moved from its longtime homeport in Everett, WA to Newport, VA for its RCOH. Without the $96.1 million reprogramming request, move on

A Naval Expert Weighs In On The Waning Lifespan Of America's Beloved Aircraft Carriers

Will be delayed, the Defense Department's request said, adding that a delay would mean the Department would not be able to meet current fleet response requirements. The scheduling error also means that the Virginia shipyard performing the work must postpone planned idle work on

The reallocation of money means that, at least for now, the Navy will be able to keep its carrier in service as planned.

The Department of Defense also transferred $55 million to the DDG-1000 program to complete construction of the long-delayed ship that was once heralded as the future of the Navy's destroyer fleet. The Zumwalt class has been plagued by development delays and questions about its experimental hull design, power requirements and the utility of incorporating a stealth craft into one of the Navy's premiere power projection vessels. Congress dramatically cut the program and has since pushed the Navy to restart production of Arleigh Burke-class destroyers to meet long-term readiness needs.

Congress is also relying heavily on the Navy to maintain ships slated for retirement in the next two years. The House version of the annual defense appropriations bill prohibits the withdrawal of six cruisers and two amphibious assault ships. The Appropriations Committee funded three cruisers for next year, and their colleagues in the Senate decided to fund four.

File:us Navy 030410 N 9851b 131 The Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier Uss Harry S. Truman (

Last week, a Navy spokesman hinted at some flexibility in downsizing the ships, saying that four of the six Aegis-equipped cruisers —

– will remain in service until at least March “until the end of the fiscal year (FY) 2013 authorization and appropriations process or other congressional agreement.” An authorization bill is expected to be completed before the end of the calendar year, and a follow-up spending bill must be passed before the end of March.

Additional funding was not requested in the last reprogramming action for cruisers, but the Navy can use FY 2012 CR funding levels to operate and maintain the ships. Congress can also use the authorization process to allow some reductions in the fleet's force structure while forcing the Navy and Marine Corps to retain certain ships. How Hill decides to move forward and when will remain up for debate until the members return to Washington in mid-November, but it seems clear from both authority figures and appropriators that the Navy will end up retiring fewer ships in the next two years earlier than previously planned File: US Navy 060206-N-7748K-002 The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) prepares to refuel at sea with the guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul (DDG 74).jpg

Refueling Nuclear Aircraft Carrier

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Uss George Washington (cvn 73)

Description US Navy 060206-N-7748K-002 The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) prepares to refuel at sea with the guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul (DDG 74).jpg

English: Atlantic Ocean (February 6, 2006) - The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) prepares to refuel at sea with the guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul (DDG 74). Enterprise is currently conducting routine carrier qualifications in the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Josh Kinter (RELEASED)

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Refueling Nuclear Aircraft Carrier

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Teens Take The Met - The highly anticipated game Tenn's Takes the Met! It will be held on Friday, May 31 from 5 to 8 p.m. The museum's extensive programming brings together teenagers from the five New York boroughs for youth-focused activities. Since its inception in 2014, the event has brought together more than 26,000 young people to become one of New York City's most engaging youth events. The event encourages teenagers—many of whom are visiting The Met for the first time—to immerse themselves in the experience while exploring the museum. A range of innovative activities will be available throughout the evening, including workshops, performances, art forms, exhibitions and more, with over 40 youth and cultural organizations collaborating. Teens take the Met! It is free for all teenagers (13 years old). or older) with a middle or high school ID.

In collaboration with more than 40 community partners, a series of interactive stations, demonstrations and activities were created for the event. There will be works inspired by The Met's collection and current exhibitions. Taking a cue from Camp: Notes on Fashion, there will be a costume design station and vogue dance workshops hosted by dancehall icons Omari Mizrahi and Sinia Alia, and covers by Jack Mizrahi and Precious Ebony. Inspired by Play It Loud: Instruments of Rock and Roll, School of Rock NYC, and Harvestworks—two new partner organizations for this year's event—Zoos performs with traditional instruments like drums, guitars, and synthesizers throughout the event. The New York School of Rock invites teenagers to enjoy the music of their peers.

Teens Take The Met

Teens Take The Met

Hands-on stations are offered throughout the museum, including a collage activity with Wave Hill that responds to Charles Engelhardt's Court Tiffany glass, and an activism-focused button-making activity in collaboration with New New. -York Historical Society and Poster House Museum. The Lexington School for the Deaf and the New York Theater for the Deaf invite attendees to participate in improvisational theater inspired by the museum's collection of weapons and armor. In response to the exhibition Epic Abstraction: Pollock to Herrera, The Met's own teenage interns will challenge teenagers to create artwork based on their identity.

Women Hold A Banner Saying Stop Violence Against Women During The Demonstration.hundreds Of People March On The Streets To Protest Violence Against Women Stock Photo

Copyright © 2020 Untitled Magazine. all rights reserved. | Site Links: About | Contact | Press Media Kit | Store Jobs Subscription Terms and Conditions RSS FeedEpic Theater presents Velez Blanco Patio at The Met. Teenagers attend the meet! Fall 2019. Photo credit: Philip Wolak.

Teens will take over the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Friday for a night full of free creative and educational events. "Teenagers attend the meet!" It takes place May 20 at the Upper East Side Museum and features a schedule full of art-making, music, dance, theater and more, including a silent dance party at the Temple of Dendor and dance lessons from Ballet Hispanico. The event returns for the first time in 2019, welcoming 13-18 year olds as an on-site experience.

Teen Night first started in 2014 as a way for young New Yorkers to engage with the museum in a new and fun way. Because of Covid, last year's event was held online, and the museum said more than 18,000 people attended.

This year there will be events from 39 cultural and community partners, including the Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn Public Library, Architecture Center, El Museo del Barrio, Epic Theater Group, Fearless Sea, Air and Space Museum, and the Chinese Museum. In America, New York Historical Society, Poster House, Song Harbor Cultural Center, Youth Honor Choir etc.

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Features include tunes from a teenage DJ, pop-up performances, scenography, origami, button making, songwriting and calligraphy lessons, a selfie station and a scavenger hunt. See the full schedule of events here.

It represents a return to face-to-face communication for young people, Frederick P. and Sandra P. said Heidi Holder, director of education at the Rose Museum. We are proud to create a space that celebrates the bright and vibrant spirit of our teenage visitors, which continues to showcase the incredible creativity and resilience of this city.

The event is free and open from 5 p.m. Reservations are not required until 8 p.m., but are recommended. Do it here. Face coverings are required for all visitors regardless of vaccination.

Teens Take The Met

For after-hours fun for other adults, the Met hosts "Date Night" every Friday and Saturday evening, featuring drink specials and live music.

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Temp 29 Palms - Coordinates: 34°08′08″N 116°03′15″W  /  34.13556°N 116.05417°W  / 34.13556; -116.05417 Coordinates: 34°08′08″N 116°03′15″W  /  34.13556°N 116.05417°W  / 34.13556; -116.05417

Twtynine Palms (also known as 29 Palms) is a town in San Bernardino County, California. Twtynine Palms is one of Joshua Tree National Park's test spots.

Temp 29 Palms

Temp 29 Palms

This section requires additional citations for verification. Help make this article better by adding citations to credible sources. Unsourced material may be questioned and removed. Find source: "Twtynine Palms, California" – news · newspaper · book · scholar · JSTOR (March 2021) (Learn how and how to remove this template message)

Tips For Riding A Motorcycle In Hot Weather

Twtynine Palms is named after a palm tree discovered in 1852 by Colonel Harry Washington while surveying the San Bernardino baseline.

A road called the Utah Trail honors the late 1800's trail pioneers from Utah (reportedly Saint George) who made their way to Twtynine Palms. Nearby is a small Indian reservation belonging to the Twenty-Nine Palms Band Mission Indians.

Joshua Tree National Park, located south of Twtynine Palms, was designated a national monument in 1936 and became a national park in 1994. The Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Cter Twtynine Palms was established in 1952.

There are 25,048 people in 8,095 households, including 5,847 families, in the city. The population density is 423.5 people per square mile (163.5/km

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). There are 9,431 housing units on the dsity with an average of 159.5 per square mile, of which 2,742 units (33.9%) are self-occupied and 5,353 (66.1%) are rted. The owner vacancy rate is 3.6%; the rttal vacancy rate was 9.2%. 6,876 people (27.5% of the population) live in owned households and 14,825 people (59.2%) live in rural households. The racial makeup of the city is 71.6% white (60.8% non-Hispanic),

8.2% African American, 1.3% Native American, 3.9% Asian, 1.4% Pacific Islander, 6.7% from other races, and 6.9% from two or more races. Hispanics or Latinos of any race make up 20.8% of the population.

The Csus reported that 21,701 people (86.6% of the population) live in households, and 3,347 (13.4%) live in non-institutionalized groups.

Temp 29 Palms

Of the 8,095 households, 43.3% have children under the age of 18, 54.5% are married to different couples, 12.9% have a female household without a husband, 4.9% have a male household without husband. priest There were 5.0% unmarried opposite-sex couples and 1.6% same-sex couples or partners. 21.1% of households have a person and 5.6% have a person aged 65 or over. The mean family size is 2.68 and the mean family size is 3.10.

Moonrise On The Mojave Desert

The age distribution was 25.6% under 18 years old, 30.0% from 18 to 24 years old, 25.5% from 25 to 44 years old, 13.1% from 45 to 64 years old and 5.8% from 65 years old. years or more. The average age is 23.5 years. For every 100 women, there are 129.0 men. For every 100 women aged 18 and over, there are 139.9 men.

In csus 2000 there were 14,764 people in 5,653 households, including 3,855 families, in the city. The population density is 269.3 people per square mile (104.0/km

). The racial makeup of the city is 71.0% White, 9.4% African American, 1.5% Native American, 3.8% Asian, 10.2% Pacific Islander, 6.2% of other races, and 6 .4% of two or more races. Hispanics or Latinos of any race are 14.9%.

Of the 5,653 households, 39.1% have children under 18, 49.8% are married, 13.7% are single and 31.8% have no family. 25.1% of the families are one person and 7.4% are one person aged 65 or over. The average family size is 2.6 and the average family size is 3.1.

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The age distribution was 31.2% under 18 years old, 15.2% from 18 to 24 years old, 28.4% from 25 to 44 years old, 16.7% from 45 to 64 years old and 8.6% from 65 years old or more. The average age is 27 years old. For every 100 women, there are 101.8 men. For every 100 women aged 18 and over, there are 98.7 men.

The median household income is $31,178 and the median household income is $32,251. Men have an average income of $25,081 versus $25,141 for women. The per capita income of this city is $14,613. About 13.6% of families and 16.8% of the population are below the poverty line, including 25.3% under 18 years old and 10.0% over 65 years old.

The city is located in the Mojave Desert in Southern California. It is located in the north of Joshua Tree National Park and includes one of the park entrances, Mara Oasis.

Temp 29 Palms

According to the United States Census Bureau, the city covers an area of ​​59.1 square miles (153 km).

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Because it is generally more than 1,900 feet (580 m) above sea level, Twtynine Palms has a slightly cooler climate, especially in winter, than Palm Springs, but with similar subtropical desert characteristics. On average, temperatures reach 100°F (38°C) in 89 days, 90°F (32°C) in 154 days, and the freezing mark 17 nights a year. Temperature extremes range from 10°F (-12°C) on December 23, 1990 to 118°F (48°C) on July 11, 1961. Winters are quite cold, with highs in the low 60s and lows in the 40s degrees F. Summers are hot, with high temperatures over 100°F (38°C). The wettest month is August, with 0.65 in (17 mm) of rain, mostly from monsoon storms.

The city uses a council administrator form of government. An elected city council establishes a policy and appoints a city manager who implements that policy.

In the California State Legislature, Twtynine Palms is in the state's 19th District, represented by Democrat Monique Limón, and in the 34th Assembly District, represented by Republican Tom Lackey.

In the United States House of Representatives, Twtynine Palms is in California's 23rd congressional district, represented by Republican Jay Obernolte.

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The original source of water and the historic source of all economic activities in the region, divided into two parts. To the east, long palm trees stop at the Joshua Tree National Park Visitor's Cter, which is visited by approximately 140,000 people each year and is managed by the US National Park Service. To the west, the remainder of the oasis is occupied by the 29 Palms Inn, a historic hotel, and ds on a large swimming pool.

Current economic depds are generally close to the Marine Corps Land Combat Center as well as tourism associated with Joshua Tree National Park. In February 2015, the city hall defined the rules governing the holiday and issued around one hundred permits,

The city has a series of 26 outdoor murals painted on local buildings that present various aspects of desert life and history.

Temp 29 Palms

29 The Palms Historical Society, located in the town's original school, maintains a museum dedicated to local history.

Twentynine Palms Is New High Desert Hot Spot. Visit These Six Places

The Historical Society also hosts an annual "Weed Show" every November, dedicated to works of art made with weeds.

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There are two TV stations: K15FC-D (sub channels KESQ-TV (ABC), KPSP (CBS), KDFX (Fox), KCWQ-LD (CW) and KUNA-LD (Telemundo)) and KPSE-LD (My Network) 29 (as well as subchannels KMIR-TV (NBC), ION, MeTV and Film!) of the Riverside County, California TV market, but the area is actually part of the Palm Springs TV market.

There is one AM station: KNWH Radio Transmitter KNWQ-1140 "KNews" - Twtynine Palms (Inland Empire, California and Coachella Valley radio market) CA US news/Talk and commercial sev plus two public FM stations -

Palms Marine Base

On April 22, 1945, the Jack Bny Program was broadcast from Naval Auxiliary Air Station Twtynine Palms. There are jokes about the dry and hot weather at the base, along with comedy sketches about the town's history. Official weather records have been kept in Twentynine Palms, California since 1935. These are the hottest and coldest temperature records officially recorded in Twentynine Palms, California since 1935.

Located in the Mojave Desert in Southern California, about 140 miles east of Los Angeles, the city of Twentynine Palms has a milder temperature range than the extremes found in the state of California. Twentynine Palms is named for the 29 palm trees planted in the Oasis of Mara that the city donated to the National Park Service in 1950.

The difference between the hottest and coldest temperature ever recorded in Twentynine Palms is 108 degrees. The difference between the hottest and coldest temperature records for the state of California is 179 degrees for a whopping 71 degrees difference in total.

Temp 29 Palms

California is one of the most extreme states in the United States in terms of climate temperature variability. Especially since the hottest temperature ever recorded in the world was recorded in Death Valley, California.

Split Rock Avenue, 29 Palms, Ca 92277

The hottest officially recorded air temperature in Twentynine Palms, California was 118 degrees, which occurred on July 11, 1961.

Undoubtedly the town of Twnetynine Palms

Reformers Military - Retired Army Maj. Gen. Bob Scales heads the Defense Secretary's Close Combat Lethality Task Force. He recently spoke at the National Defense Industry Association's annual Weapons Systems Forum, urging industry and government leaders to do better and make a leap forward in less than two years. (Staff Sergeant Armando R. Limon/Army)

INDIANAPOLIS — Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, tasked Tuesday with transforming the head of infantry and close combat, challenged industry and government leaders to give their bosses a jump rifle in less than two years — or else.

Reformers Military

Reformers Military

Retired Army Maj. Gen. Bob Scales was the keynote speaker at the Defense Industries Association's National Weapons Systems Forum, and he wasted no time getting down to the key components equipping infantry for close combat.

Mattis' Infantry Reformer Blasts Weapons Makers To Quit Stalling And Make A Better, More Lethal Rifle

Scales recounted how he spoke at a conference three years ago and pushed industry and government procurement officials to create a medium-caliber rifle with a piston, polymer case, silencer and digital fire control.

Scales is the head of the Defense Department's newly formed Close Combat Consequences Task Force. The task force, formed under Mattis, has $2.5 billion to fundamentally change the way the Army, Marines and special operations forces conduct close combat.

The rifle he described in his opening remarks is under discussion in the military-run Next Generation Squad Weapon project.

The goal of the NGSW program was to create a rifle or carbine to replace the defective M16/M4 system, which Scales argued against from his own experience with early versions of the M16 in Vietnam.

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But an incredulous Scales told the crowd that NGSW developers are now favoring a handgun in a program called Automatic Rifle Next Generation Squad to replace the Squad Automatic Weapon rifle or carbine at a later date.

Soldiers from the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division wait for orders to advance to the objective during Combined Resolve VIII exercise at Grafenwehr Proving Ground, Grafenwehr, Germany, April 24, 2017. The Army is looking for an improvised 7.62 mm rifle. to replace part of your M4. (Spc. Javon Spence/Army)

"Let me tell you something, folks. This is not going to work," Scales said. "Make a rifle by 2020. Good lord, people, that's a nine-pound piece of steel. It's not as expensive as a nut on a B-1 bomber.”

Reformers Military

New Rifle, Bigger Bullets: The Army plans to phase out the M4 and 5.56 Sotiers could get a new rifle and a bigger cartridge in a few years.

How Should Germany Deal With Its Military History?

Representatives of the NGSW project expect machine gun prototypes in late 2019 or early 2020. Changes include an intermediate caliber. A government-developed 6.8 mm cartridge is currently being tested.

Already next year, snipers from the Special Operations Command will replace the barrel of the 7.62 mm rifle with a commercially available 6.5 mm caliber.

"Before he leaves office in 2020, the Department of Defense said that if [President Donald] Trump is not reelected, he's going to go to a shooting range somewhere and shoot that rifle," Scales said. "If you don't get something on the field by then, you've failed."

He pointed to the casualties caused by small arms and other infantry equipment, the deaths from Vietnam to Afghanistan and the deaths of special operations soldiers in Niger last year.

Triumph By Luther (copy); Lvhtvs Trivmphans. Triumph By Luther, Approx. 1520 1550. The Church Terrorists Led By Luther In Contrast To The Catholics Led By Pope Leo X. Luther Standing On A Hill

"If you had listened to me three years ago, soldiers in Niger would have had this rifle in their hands," Scales said. "So put him to bed tonight."

This Mattis-led task force wants to reform the infantry. Here's how it can be done. A melee death task force can dramatically change the lives of infantry and ground combat units.

Scales said the historical reluctance to jump forward with a rifle is a "purely fleeting" notion when every service member has the same basic rifle.

Reformers Military

According to Scales, the rifle project should be one of the first "low-hanging fruits" of the entire task force's mission.

Reformers Urged Not To Redefine Commissary 'savings'

The main emphasis will be a bulletproof vest. The technology is not yet fully ready, but a light bulletproof vest capable of protecting against a 7.62 mm bullet at a distance of 400 meters from the neck to the groin is needed.

Scales hopes it will be the result of hard-working small businesses because, like so much in the infantry, small equipment is extremely valuable to the less than 4 percent of combat units involved in close combat, but it doesn't attract the dollars that bombers spend. and ships. do.

Since 2004, Todd South has written for various publications on crime, courts, government, and the military, and was named a 2014 Pulitzer Prize finalist for his co-authored Witness Intimidation Project. Todd is a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq War.

Tags: 6.8mm 6.5mm Creedmoor Close Combat Lethality Task Force Special Operations Army Infantry Marine Corps M27 M38 SOCOM Sniper Infantry Next Generation Troops Weapons Next Generation Troops Automatic Rifle

Prosecutors, Reformers And Police Talk Eyewitness Id Problems And Solutions

Prosecutors in the MARSOC 3 trial say an Army veteran died in a fistfight. "I found a brain that was severely traumatized," he said, describing blood, hemorrhaging, bruising and dead tissue.

The Veterans Affairs Committee of the Verkhovna Rada will change again this session, this year 13 new faces will appear in it, more than half of its composition.

New evidence declares a soldier a prisoner of war before his death during the Korean War. Neither original evidence nor eyewitnesses indicated his status as a prisoner of war.

Reformers Military

The 108-year-old original Montford Point Marine was honored for his service. Kosmas D. Eaglin senior. awarded for years of selfless service in three military conflicts. Prussian (and later German) Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, right, Geral Helmut von Moltke the Elder, left, and Geral Albrecht von Rohn, center. Although Bismarck was a civilian politician rather than an officer, he wore a military uniform as part of the Prussian militaristic culture of his time. From a painting by Carl Steffek

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Militarism is the belief or desire of a government or people that a state should maintain a strong military capability and use it aggressively to advance national interests and/or values.

It can also mean glorifying the ideals of the army and the professional military class, as well as "the dominance of the armed forces in public administration or politics".

Militarism has been a significant element in the imperialist or expansionist ideologies of many nations throughout history. Some notable cases include the Ancient Assyrian Empire, the Greek city-state of Sparta, the Roman Empire, the Aztec Nation, the Mongol Empire, the Zulu Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia, the Habsburg/Habsburg-Lorraine Monarchies, the Ottoman Empire, the Japanese Empire, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, North Korea , the United States of America, Nazi Germany, the Italian Empire under Bito Mussolini, the German Empire, the British Empire, and the First French Empire under Napoleon.

The roots of German militarism can be found in Prussia of the 18th and 19th centuries and the subsequent unification of Germany under Prussian leadership. However, Hans Rosberg already sees its origins in the Teutonic Order and the colonization of Prussia in the late Middle Ages, when the mercenaries of the Holy Roman Empire received the lands of the knights and gradually formed a new Prussian military nobility, from which the junker. nobility will develop later.

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During the reign of the "Great Elector" Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandburg in the 18th century, Brandburg-Prussia increased its army to 40,000 meters and established an efficient military administration under the supervision of the Heral Military Commissariat. In order to consolidate his power in both domestic and foreign affairs, Prussia's Soldatkönig ("soldier king") Frederick William I began his sweeping military reforms in 1713, beginning the country's tradition of significantly increasing the military budget. annual military expenditure was 73 percent of tire Prussian budget. By the time of his death in 1740, the Prussian army had grown to a standing army of 83,000 m, one of the largest in Europe, with a Prussian population of 2.5 million. The Prussian war writer Georg Guerich von Berghorst later wrote in retrospect that since the reign of the Military King, Prussia had always been "a country with an army, but an army with a country" (a quote often wrongly attributed to Voltaire and Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Count of Mirabeau).

When Napoleon Bonaparte conquered Prussia in 1806, one of the terms of peace was that the Prussian army was to be reduced to 42,000 meters. In order that the country might no longer be so easily conquered, the King of Prussia during the year rejected the allowed number of m, trained and separated this group, rejected another of the same size, and so on. Thus, in t years he was able to raise an army of 420,000 meters with at least one year of military training. The officers, almost exhausted, were drawn from the landed nobility. The result of this was that, on the one hand, a large professional officer class was gradually formed, and on the other, a much larger class - the military rank and file. These enumerated m were conditioned by unquestioning submission to everything

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